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31 Aug

Why Retail Stores Should Consider A Professional Cleaning Company

By Jason Tidwell
Regular Cleaning is Essential


The expression “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean” was once enough to keep a store presentable. In the past, store employees were largely responsible for handling all cleaning duties including restrooms. Today, especially with the ongoing pandemic, having employees keep the store clean is not a realistic expectation.

Not only does cleaning put untrained employees in harm’s way, but it also creates liabilities for management and owners. Now more than ever, retailers need to invest in professional cleaning services.  The pandemic isn’t the sole reason for hiring a cleaning service, though. There are many benefits retailers should be taking advantage of by using professional cleaners instead of employees. Here are ten excellent reasons why retail stores should consider a professional cleaning company.

10 Reasons Why Retail Stores Should Consider A Professional Cleaning Company

  1. Creates A Welcoming Retail Environment

Keeping the store tidy and presentable is just the first step in creating a welcoming retail environment. What makes a retail space truly inviting is when surfaces are visibly clean to the point the atmosphere itself seems to sparkle. A recent study found that customers are less likely to make repeat visits or purchases at stores they don’t perceive as clean. Interviewees stated they preferred shopping at retail stores that were squeaky clean both physically and in the overall atmosphere of a store. Commercial cleaning services, with their expertise and equipment, can provide that level of clean consistently in ways store employees just can’t.

  1. Improves Safety

Every day, thousands of bacteria, contaminants and viruses float through the air of your store and settle on every surface. This contamination is made even worse by collecting dust, dirt and grime that also make their way through your doors. Cleaning with commercial grade detergent and disinfectant eliminates the risk of transmitting illness, causing allergic reactions and eliminating contaminants that can cause both. Professional cleaners also know how and where to clean most effectively, ensuring that all surfaces and crevices are kept clean and contaminant free.

3.Decreases Health Risks To The Public

Combatting COVID-19 requires regular sanitation and disinfection protocols that go far beyond what retailers can do. Only certified disinfectants are capable of killing COVID-19 on contact, and they have to be used in a specific manner with specialized equipment. Use of these disinfectants also requires training and experience that retail employees don’t have. Moreover, employers would have to pay for training to keep their cleaning operations in house, costing substantially more than contracting their cleaning out.

  1. Saves Money & Time

The more time employees spend cleaning before, during and after hours, the less time they can spend on the floor serving customers. The fewer employees available, the fewer customers will make purchases and the greater the loss in potential earnings. Cleaning services do come with a cost, but that cost is often mitigated or eliminated by increased sales.

  1. Specialization Creates A Better Working & Shopping Environment

Commercial retail store cleaning is different from standard commercial cleaning in offices or warehouses. Public restrooms have to be cleaned and sanitized differently than office restrooms, and trash disposal also has to be handled with greater care. Commercial cleaning services work with you to develop a cleaning plan that meets the unique needs of your store. Their chief objective is to maintain the highest level of cleanliness without breaking the bank.

  1. Reduces Sick Days

When your store is regularly kept clean and tidy, there are far fewer illness-causing germs, viruses and bacteria floating around. Employees are at a much lower risk of infection, and so they take less sick days. This leads to higher productivity and sales since the entire workforce is present and not out sick. Not only does management pay less sick time, but customer satisfaction increases because there is always a staff member available to assist them.

  1. Improves Employee Morale

No one likes to work in a dirty store with cloudy windows. It’s dark and unpleasant, and it creates a feeling of neglect and indifference among employees. Conversely, keeping the sales floor, break rooms and restrooms clean and sparkling creates a space where employees want to spend their working hours. Moreover, employees who don’t have to deal with menial chores can dedicate more of their time to working with customers. Best of all, happy employees create happy, satisfied customers.

  1. Frees Up Storage Space

Most retail stores have to dedicate storage space to their cleaning equipment. Depending on the size and needs of the store, this can occupy a significant amount of storage. When you hire a professional cleaning company for your store, they bring all of their own equipment and cleaning supplies. There’s no longer a need to keep more than basic cleaning supplies on site, leaving more available storage space.

  1. Offers A Wider Range Of Services

There is only so much you can expect employees to clean effectively in a retail store. Cleaning a public restroom is among the least desirable tasks, and even basic cleaning can become a tiresome chore. There are also tasks like stripping and waxing hard flooring or acid washing restroom fixtures that employees aren’t equipped to handle. Hiring a cleaning service gives your store access to a significantly wider range of services than relegating cleaning tasks to your staff. Not only can you keep everything cleaner, but you can also keep the store in better, cleaner condition.

  1. Protect Against Business Theft

Professional cleaners at reputable cleaning services undergo background checks to ensure they are qualified to work in retail spaces after hours. Hiring other cleaning companies that don’t vette their staff prior to assigning them to job sites creates a serious risk of loss. These losses can take the form of simple carelessness locking up or even outright theft by unverified cleaning staff. Using professional, verified cleaning staff also protects your store from potential loss due to employees being injured during after-hours cleaning. The cost can be significant when staff begin filing insurance claims or worker’s compensation claims due to injuries on the job.


All in all, hiring a professional cleaning company for your retail store is the ideal solution to keeping your store looking and operating at its best. These ten reasons to hire professionals are just a few of many. If you run a store local to the Dallas, TX area, contact Allied Facility Care today for a free estimate. Our team of verified, experienced professionals has the knowledge and expertise to help you maintain your store at its best.

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      Ernest Wood
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